Welcome to the learning and development TeachME portal. Here you will find everything to grow your career and develop your skills.
We also ensure that the whole team is included in the process and that no one is left out during the turnaround. The most crucial part is ensuring some degree of financial stability during the turnaround.
CoachME is performance and purpose driven to improve the individual’s skill on the job. This involves enhancing current skills and acquiring new skills. Once the coached candidate successfully acquires the skills, the coach is no longer needed. CoachME also provides guidance on how to plan your work days, manage difficult people, or like many of us, need to upgrade on our organisational skills.
Anel Martin Training – Confidence, brand, time management and stress: info@anelmartin.co.za
Michele Thwaits – Empowered4Success – International facilitator | Trainer | Coach & Mentor | Writer | Virtual Assistant michele@empowered4success.co.za
Suezette Smit – Performance Development Interactive – Global Leadership Coach | International Speaker | MC | Teambuilder suezette@pdiza.co.za
Mentoring is a long term learning experience with long term results and outcomes, and assists with all aspects of your secretarial role and self-development. To book a mentor select one of the following mentors, click on “BookMe”, complete the short registration form, and submit.
MentorME seeks to provide a safe environment where the mentee shares whatever issues affect their professional and personal successes. Although specific learning goals or competencies may be used as a basis for creating the relationship, its focus goes beyond these areas to include things, such as work/life balance, self-confidence, self-perception, and how the personal influences the professional.
MentorME requires time in which both parties learn about one another and build a mutual trust that creates an environment in which the mentee feels safe in sharing issues that impact their success. The mentor drives the relationship.
Contact susane@pansa.co.za or cathyh@pansa.co.za
The following PA professional bodies are available to Executive Personal Assistants, Management Assistants, Secretaries and Administrators. Every professional has its own professional organisations; therefore, membership of a PA professional body will reinforce the status of PAs as professionals and managers. These organisations should also allow PAs to network with other PAs for best practices and problem solving.
Country / Region | Location | Name | Contact |
Australia | AIOP – Australian Institute of Office Professionals | https://www.aiop.com.au | |
Australia | Melbourne | Melbourne EA Group | https://www.melbourneeagroup.com/ |
Australia | The EA Institute | https://www.theeainstitute.com.au/ | |
Barbados | Barbados Association of Office Professionals (BAOP) | http://www.baop.org/ | |
Belgium | ALISAD – Association Liégeoise des Secrétaires et Assistant(e)s de Direction | http://www.alisad.eu/ | |
Belgium | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://be.ima-network.org | |
Belgium | Antwerp | ManAs – Antwerp Network for Management Assistants | https://www.manas.be |
Brazil | ABPSEC – Brazilian Association of Research in Secretarial Science | http://www.abpsec.com.br | |
Brazil | Brazilian Executive Assistants | https://www.linkedin.com/company/brazilian-executive-assistants/ | |
Brazil | FENASSEC – Brazil’s National Federation of Secretaries | htttp://www.fenassec.com.br | |
Brazil | Pepitas Secretaries Club | http://www.pepitassecretariesclub.com | |
Brazil | Sao Paolo | SINSESP – Sindicato das Secretárias e Secretários do Estado de São Paulo | http://www.sinsesp.com.br |
Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | SISERGS – Sindicato das Secretrias e Secretarios no estdo do Rio Grande do Sul | http://www.sisergs.com.br |
Canada | Association of Administrative Professionals | https://canadianadmin.ca | |
Canada | Canadian Association of Virtual Assistants | http://canadianava.org/ | |
Canada | IAAP – International Association of Administrative Professionals | http://www.iaap-hq.org/ | |
Canada | SDA – Society for Design Administration | https://www.sdanational.org/ | |
Channel Islands | Jersey | The PA Network Jersey | http://www.thepanetworkjersey.org |
Cyprus | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://cy.ima-network.org | |
Denmark | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://dk.ima-network.org | |
Finland | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://fi.ima-network.org | |
Finland | Sihteeriyhdistys Sekreterarföreningen ry | http://www.sihteeriyhdistys.fi | |
France | FFMAS – French Federation of Trade of the Assistantship and Secretariat | http://www.ffmas.com | |
France | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://fr.ima-network.org | |
Germany | bSb – Bundesverband Sekretariat und Büromanagement e.V. | http://www.bsb-office.de | |
Germany | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://de.ima-network.org | |
Ghana | CIAMC – Chartered Institute of Administrators and Management Consultants (CIAMC) | https://www.ciamcghana.org/ | |
Greece | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://gr.ima-network.org | |
Iceland | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://is.ima-network.org | |
India | Mumbai | IASAP – Indian Association of Secretaries & Administrative Professionals | http://www.iasapindia.com/ |
Indonesia | ISI – Ikatan Sekretaris Indonesia | http://isicabjakarta.blogspot.co.uk/ | |
Ireland | APAI – The Association of Professional Administrators in Ireland | https://theapai.com/ | |
Italy | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://it.ima-network.org | |
Italy | Secretary.IT Manager Assistant Network | http://www.secretary.it/ | |
Japan | JSA – Japan Secretaries & Administrative Professionals Association | http://www.hishokyokai.or.jp/ | |
Kenya | KENASA – Kenya National Secretaries Association | http://kenasa.org/ | |
Korea | KAAP – Korean Association of Administrative Professionals | https://www.facebook.com/secretary2015 | |
Luxembourg | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://lu.ima-network.org | |
Malaysia | MAPSA – Malaysian Association of Professional Secretaries & Administrators | http://www.mapsa-malaysia.com/ | |
Netherlands | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://nl.ima-network.org | |
Netherlands | NVD – Nederlandse Vereniging van Directiesecretaressen | https://www.nvdsecretaresse.nl/ | |
New Zealand | AAPNZ – Association of Administrative Professionals New Zealand Inc | http://www.aapnz.org.nz | |
New Zealand | EA Inc – Executive Assistants Inclusive | https://www.eainc.co.nz/ | |
New Zealand | PACE – Professional Assistants to Chief Executives | http://pace.org.nz/ | |
Nigeria | IPMA – Institute of Professional Managers and Administrators of Nigeria | http://www.ipma.org.ng/ | |
Nigeria | OPA – Organisation of Professional Assistants of Nigeria | https://www.facebook.com/OPA.Nigeria | |
Norway | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://www.no.ima-network.org | |
Pakistan | DSSP – Distinguished Secretaries’ Society of Pakistan | http://www.dssp.org/ | |
Panama | Asociacion de Secretarias Ejecutivas de Panama | https://www.facebook.com/ASEP1961/ | |
Papua New Guinea | PNGAAP – Papua New Guinea Association of Administrative Professionals | https://www.facebook.com/www.pngaap.org.pg/ | |
Philippines | PAS – Philippine Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals Inc. | http://www.philsecretaries.org/ | |
Portugal | ASP – Associacã de Secretarias Profissionais Portuguesas | http://www.asp-secretarias.pt/ | |
Russia | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://ru.ima-network.org | |
Singapore | SAAP – Singapore Association of Administrative Professionals | http://www.saap.org.sg/ | |
South Africa | Cape Town | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://za.ima-network.org/ |
South Africa | Bedfordview | PAFSA – Professional Association for Secretaries and Administrative Assistants | http://pafsa.co.za/ |
South Africa | Sandton | Platinum Assistant Network South Africa | https://pansa.co.za/
South Africa | Cape Town | Powerful PA Training and Network | https://powerfulpa.com/ |
South Africa | Johannesburg | The PA Network | http://panetwork.co.za/ |
South America | Mundo Asistentes | https://www.mundoasistentes.com/ | |
Spain | Aragon | Asociacion del Secretariado Profesional de Aragon (ASPA) | http://asparagon.com/ |
Spain | Madrid | Asociación del Secretariado Profesional de Madrid (ASPM) | https://aspm.es/ |
Spain | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://es.ima-network.org | |
Spain | SEIEM – Secretariat i Empresa | http://secretariatiempresa.blogspot.co.uk/ | |
Sri Lanka | AAP – Academy for Administrative Professionals | http://aapsl.com.lk/ | |
Sri Lanka | SLAAPS – Sri Lanka Association of Administrative & Professional Secretaries | http://www.slaapsonline.com/ | |
Sweden | Stockholm | Chefsassistenterna (Chief Assistants) | http://cassto.se/ |
Sweden | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://www.se.ima-network.org | |
Switzerland | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://www.ch.ima-network.org | |
Thailand | WSAT – Women Secretaries and Administrative Professionals Association of Thailand | http://www.secretarythailand.org/ | |
The Caribbean | CAAP – Caribbean Association of Administrative Professionals | http://caap-online.org/ | |
Turkey | IMA – International Management Assistants | https:/tr.ima-network.org | |
United Arab Emirates | Platinum PA Club | http://platinumpaclub.com/ | |
United Kingdom | ACA – Association of Celebrity Assistants | https://www.aca-uk.com/ | |
United Kingdom | AMSPAR – The Association of Medical Secretaries, Practice Managers, Administrators and Receptionists | http://www.amspar.com/ | |
United Kingdom | Bucks Berks and Oxon | BBOPAN (Bucks Berks and Oxon PA Network) | https://www.facebook.com/BucksPANetwork |
United Kingdom | Northern Ireland | Belfast PA Network | https://www.facebook.com/groups/359273601083148/ |
United Kingdom | Birmingham | Birmingham PA Forum | http://www.pa-forum.co.uk/ |
United Kingdom | British Society of Medical Secretaries & Administrators (BSMSA) | https://www.bsmsa.org.uk/index.cfm | |
United Kingdom | London | Canary Wharf PA Club | https://www.cwpaclub.com/ |
United Kingdom | Charity PA Network | https://www.facebook.com/groups/CharityPANetwork/ | |
United Kingdom | Chester and North Wales | Chester and North Wales PA Network | https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8571222/profile |
United Kingdom | Cornwall and Plymouth | Cornwall and Plymouth PA Forum (CAPPAF) | https://www.facebook.com/groups/cappaf |
United Kingdom | Doncaster | Doncaster PA Network | https://twitter.com/PADoncaster |
United Kingdom | East Midlands | East Midlands PA Network | https://www.emc-dnl.co.uk/connecting-you/networking-and-social-events/pa-network/ |
United Kingdom | Scotland | Edinburgh PA Network | https://edinburghpanetwork.com/ |
United Kingdom | EDPA | http://www.nahpa.org.uk/ | |
United Kingdom | EPAA – Executive & Personal Assistants Association | https://epaa.org.uk/ | |
United Kingdom | Essex | Essex PA Network | https://www.essexpanetwork.co.uk/ |
United Kingdom | Global PA Association | http://www.globalpa-association.com/ | |
United Kingdom | Guernsey | Guernsey PA Connect Network | Contact: Donna Oliver – Founder |
United Kingdom | IAgSA – Institute of Agricultural Secretaries & Administrators | https://www.iagsa.co.uk/ | |
United Kingdom | IAM – The Institute of Administrative Management | http://www.instam.org/ | |
United Kingdom | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://uk.ima-network.org/ | |
United Kingdom | Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs | https://www.institutelegalsecretaries.com/ | |
United Kingdom | Kent | Kent EA & PA Network | https://www.kenteapanetwork.co.uk/ |
United Kingdom | London | LCCI PA Club | https://www.londonchamber.co.uk/membership/pa-club/ |
United Kingdom | London | London City Airport Premier PA Club | https://www.londoncityairport.com/premierpa |
United Kingdom | London | London PA Network | http://www.london-pa-network.org/ |
United Kingdom | Miss Jones PA | https://missjonespa.com/ | |
United Kingdom | National Association for Legal Assistants | http://www.nala.org/ | |
United Kingdom | London | Network PA SW1 | https://twitter.com/NetworkPASW1 |
United Kingdom | Newcastle | Newcastle PA Network | http://newcastlepanetwork.com/ |
United Kingdom | Scotland | Scottish PA Network | https://scottishpanetwork.com/ |
United Kingdom | Society of Virtual Assistants | https://www.societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk/ | |
United Kingdom | South Hampshire | South Hampshire PA Network | https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8342664/profile |
United Kingdom | Science & Technologies Facilities Council | STFC PA Forum | Sue Carter (sue.carter@stfc.ac.uk) +44 (0)1235 445610 |
United Kingdom | Suffolk | Suffolk PA Network | https://www.suffolkpanetwork.com/ |
United Kingdom | Sussex | Sussex PA Network | https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8482160/about |
United Kingdom | The Assistant Room | http://www.theassistantroom.com/ | |
United Kingdom | The PA Club | https://thepaclub.com/ | |
United Kingdom | Yorkshire & Merseyside | The PA Hub | https://www.thepahub.co.uk/ |
United Kingdom | The PA Way | https://www.thepaway.co.uk/ | |
Uruguay | ADESU – Associación de Secretarias del Uruguay | http://www.adesu.org.uy/ | |
USA | Los Angeles | ACPA – Association of Celebrity Personal Assistants | http://www.acpa-la.com |
USA | Houston | Administrative Professionals – Houston | https://administrativeprofessionals-houston.com/ |
USA | AEAP – Association of Executive & Administrative Professionals | http://www.theaeap.com | |
USA | AHCAP – Association for Healthcare Administrative Professionals | http://www.ahcap.org | |
USA | Tri-Cities | APTC – Administrative Professionals of the Tri-Cities | https://www.adminprofessionalstc.org/ |
USA | ASAP – American Society of Administrative Professionals | https://www.asaporg.com/ | |
USA | Audacious Admin | http://www.audaciousadmin.com/ | |
USA | Boston | Creative Admin | https://www.facebook.com/creativeadminofficial |
USA | C-Suite Executive Support Professionals | http://www.c-sesp.org/ | |
USA | EAO – Executive Assistants Organisaton | https://joineao.com/ | |
USA | IAAP – International Association of Administrative Professionals | http://www.iaap-hq.org/ | |
USA | Las Vegas | IVAA – International Virtual Assistants Association | https://ivaa.org/ |
USA | Legal Secretaries International Inc | http://www.legalsecretaries.org/ | |
USA | New York | New York Celebrity Assistants (NYCA) | http://nycelebrityassistants.com/ |
USA | OrgOrg – Organization Organizers | http://www.orgorg.co/ | |
USA | SDA – Society for Design Administration | https://www.sdanational.org/ | |
USA | Virtual Association for Administrative Professionals | http://www.thevaap.com/ | |
Worldwide | Argentina | Comunidad Hispana de Asistentes | https://www.mundoasistentes.com/ |
Worldwide | United Kingdom | Global PA Association | http://www.globalpa-association.com/ |
Worldwide | Global Virtual Assistant Networking Organisation | https://www.vanetworking.com/ | |
Worldwide | IMA – International Management Assistants | https://www.ima-network.org | |
Worldwide | LGBT Administration Professional Network | http://www.lgbt-admin-and-assistant.com/ | |
Worldwide | The Social Network for Virtual Assistants | https://www.vanetworking.com/ | |
Zambia | PSAZ – Professional Secretaries Association of Zambia | http://psazambia.org/ | |
Zimbabwe | ICSAZ – Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators | http://www.icsaz.co.zw/ |
Endorsed Training Vendors
We bring you a list of vendors who offer a discount on their training to our members. Contact us for more information.
Click here to view our list of highly recommended training vendors.
Endorsed Facilitators
The following facilitators are top of the range Management Assistant Trainers and facilitators, who have a vast knowledge of experience and skills in our profession. We encourage our members to always research both training organisations and facilitators before signing up.
Click here to view our list of highly recommended facilitators.
Note: Should you wish to participate on our endorsed facilitators list please email InformMe@pansa.co.za your application will be reviewed.
Skills levelling assessment tool
This tool will assist you in identifying where you currently are, where you need to be, and will help you identify what training you need. This tool needs to be used in conjunction with your performance appraisal. We recommend that you sit with your manager and go through the skills on the left hand side and determine your skills level. When you do this exercise, you must appreciate that we don’t know everything, and very few of us are at expert level 5, so be realistic and allow space for you to develop.
The right hand side of the tool will need to be completed at your next performance appraisal, by which time you would have been on the training identified earlier. You will again sit with your manager to determine your progress, and mark it off accordingly. This tool is great to use on an ongoing basis as it shows your growth and provides the justification needed to go on training.
Skills Matrix
Many times we are asked what we actually do other than make tea and coffee and take messages. This matrix template allows you to categorize all the functions you do on a daily / weekly / monthly basis. This matrix is very useful in compiling your CV. Instead of repeating of the duties performed under each organization where you worked, you can now place all of these onto one matrix. It is pretty simple and we have included an example of one for you.